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Trapshooting With Frank Hoppe
Gives you everything you need to become a better trapshooter. For the beginning and advanced shooter. This video will not disappoint. 93 minutes.
TFHTP001 - $40.00
Shooting Singles & Handicap with Frank Little
Now digitally remastered. Question-and-answer session, blackboard diagrams, foot stance basics and gun placement. A favorite! 60 minutes.
TSGHL002 - $79.95
Doubles Shooting with Frank Little
Now digitally remastered. Master doubles with tons of instruction on spotting targets, gun movement, foot positions and gun placement. 60 minutes.
TTDBL002 - $79.95
One-Eyed Shooting with Frank Little
Now digitally remastered. Video for the most neglected shooter of all. It'll teach you how to shoot all trap games using only one eye. Gun position, stance, lots of instruction. 60 minutes.
TOEYE002 - $79.95
B O N U S - B O N U S - B O N U S - B O N U S Order any 2 tapes by Frank Little & save $9.95
2 tapes only $149.95
Pachmayr's Trapshooting with Ken Robertson
Excellent graphics help shooters see where, when and how to break targets. 40 minutes.
TPMTP002 - $22.95
Chuck Dryke on Shooting Clay Targets
Trainer of champions Chuck reveals unique training methods and visual secrets to improve you shooting. 90 minutes.
TDRYK001 - $39.95
Reloading Shotgun Ammunition with Tony Riley
Perfect for beginners, a basic step-by-step look at the entire shotshell reloading process. 53 minutes.
TRELD001 - $19.95
Herb Parsons' Showman Shooter
Filmed in 1956 in color. One of the most entertaining demonstrations of an amazing shooting talent ever! Great fun for gun clubs and a good way to promote shooting with local service clubs. 25 minutes.
TSHMN002 - $29.95
Eyerobics For Clay-Target Shooters
A proven eye-training program designed for clay-target shooters. Includes videotape, 2 highly informative training books and training aids. Effective and efficient way to train your eyes for the clay-target sports. Many varied, challenging vision exercises help you see targets quicker and more accurately. (Complete review in our March '87 issue.) 40 minutes of intensive training.
TEYRB002 - $82.95
Andy Duffy's Approach To Winning BIG in Sporting Clays
Andy explains how he shoots each shot and the common errors shooters make. Tells you how to become a better competitor and gives advice on developing your mental game. 85 minutes.
TWNSC001 - $59.95
Developing Your Own Style Of Shooting with Marty Fischer
Learn to develop you own shooting style in Sporting Clays. Marty, NSCA Level III Instructor and AA competitor, uses the "EYE-CAM" to get a shooter's eye view of how shooting methods work and when they should be applied. 90 minutes.
TSCMF001 - $24.95