Tagged: Test pic.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Horsetrader 6 months, 1 week ago.

  • Author
  • #859
    Tony Tony 

    I guess I’m the only idiot on here that just can’t figure out how to post a picture! Can someone please tell me in terms that an old fart like me can understand just how it’s done?? Thank you in advance……….Tony

    jslytlemn jslytlemn 

    Tony – I’ll try to be of some help….  🙂

    Directly above the text box you are typing your description in are several different characters.  For instance: B = Bold type; I = Italicized type; Next is bulleted list; Numbered list; Align left; Center; Align right, etc.

    The final character on the right side is Insert/edit image.  That’s the one you want.

    Click on that and it will ask you the source of where your picture is coming from.  Most likely your computer or phone.  Click on “the camera” and then find the picture on your computer you wish to insert.  Upload it from there and it should be included in your post.

    I hope this helps!  Good luck, Jeff


    Tony Tony 

    Lol………I just found my mistake! As you stated every thing is right were it is supposed to be BUT……….if you have the “text” over on the far right of the screen keyed you do not see the above mentioned tools. Well………..I thank you for your help Jeff……….Lol………..I’m in like flint now!!! ………………Thanks a bunch…………………Tony

    jslytlemn jslytlemn 

    Tony – I’m glad I could be of some help.  Take care, Jeff

    Steve W Steve W 



    Damn it worked. LOL


    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by  Horsetrader.
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